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Since 2021, OMAL has become Società Benefit (Benefit Corporation).
Benefit Corporations are organizations that operate with the goal of generating a positive impact on society and the environment, along with financial profit. These companies integrate Corporate Social Responsibility into their business model, adopting sustainable and transparent practices:

  1. Purpose: They commit to creating a positive impact, or shared value, for society and the biosphere, in addition to generating profit. Sustainability is an integral part of their business model, and they foster favorable conditions for social and environmental prosperity, both now and in the future.
  2. Responsibility: Their goal is to create sustainable long-term value for all stakeholders.
  3. Transparency: They are required to communicate annually and report their results, progress, and future commitments toward achieving social and environmental impact according to third-party standards, sharing this information with both shareholders and the public at large.

In the Company Charter, we identified three specific Common Benefit purposes that we have chosen to pursue in conducting our business activities. These goals were defined with the intent to generate profitability, create profits, and contribute to the well-being of people, the community, and the region in which we operate. Our aspiration, in fact, is to consistently integrate all relevant aspects of sustainability into our daily activities, in alignment with the most virtuous and progressive companies in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.





2030年议程包括17个可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDG),它们隶属一个将于2030年内在环境、经济和社会领域实现的更为广泛的行动计划,由169项与之相关的具体目标或目标组成。这是一个全球性的挑战,因为这些目标涉及并牵动所有国家和社会的各个组成部分:从私营公司到公共部门,从公民社会到信息和文化工作者。


因此,为了巩固我们的可持续经营方针,我们决定采纳并努力实现具体目标(3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16)。如需了解更为深入的信息,请阅读我们的可持续发展报告。