

OMAL attention in Covid-19 pandemic control has not stopped: our commitment is permanent and that is why today we re-conducted the Serological Test on all our employees in Rodengo Saiano and Passirano plants (as previously done in May 2020).

It is already known that the region where OMAL is located in Italy is one of the areas most affected by the virus. For this reason in order to give a real and active contribution in the limitation of the virus spread, OMAL willingly decided to stop production activities in the second week of March, before the official  Government Decree lockdown introduction. (continue...)

In 2020 OMAL has reached a CSR score higher than 70/100.

通过与布雷西亚劳动医学领域最知名的公司CDS Srl开展合作,公司已完成了约190次IgG/IgM (俗称“指尖针刺测试”)快速检测,可在10分钟内获得检测结果。若检测结果呈阳性,则立即抽血进行“定量血清检测”。
这些测试仅仅是OMAL和ACTUATECH采取措施对卫生紧急状态进行管理时的一个缩影 [...]

OMAL S.p.A.有意在这个艰难的公共卫生紧急时刻做出自己的贡献。因医院内重症人数的增加且为了应对当前卫生紧急状态,OMAL已向布雷西亚公民医院基金会捐赠50,000欧元,用于购买医疗器械和B-PAP呼吸机。

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Hydrogen Expo
Hydrogen Expo
Piacenza (Italy), 21-23 may 2025